Todays topic for ICSC biology class 6 is Importance of health and hygiene. Health is a state of complete mental, physical or social well being and not just the absence of an infirmity or a disease.
A person is said to be healthy if he has a fit body and an active mind.
What is a disease?
A disease is a functional or physical change from a normal state that results in disability or discomfort affecting the health of the person.
Reasons for the development of a disease
1.It can be caused by germs that cause infection such as bacteria, virus, fungi and protozoa.
2.If a person doesn't eat a balanced diet he can suffer from many deficiency diseases.
3.It can be caused due to the improper functioning or failure of an organ.
What are the different types of diseases?
There are mainly two types of diseases
1.Congenital diseases - These diseases are present in the body since the time of birth. They are caused due to underdevelopment of a part or organ of the body or due to a type of genetic abnormality. For example - haemophilia, thalassemia, colour blindness etc.
2.Aquired diseases - The diseases that are developed after the birth of a person are known as aquired diseases. They are further of two types -
(a) Communicable diseases - The diseases that spread or pass from one person to the other are known as communicable diseases. For example - typhoid, covid -19, malaria, tuberculosis etc.
These can be caused by bacteria, virus, fungi protozoa etc.
Some diseases caused by bacteria -
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Diseases caused by bacteria |
Some diseases caused by virus
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Diseases caused by virus |
(b) Non-Communicable diseases - These diseases don't spread or pass from one person to the other. These diseases can be caused due to the deficiency of certain nutrients, improper functioning or failure of an organ, certain irritants, bites or stings. For example - rickets, scurvy, kidneys infection, asthma etc.
How are communicable diseases transmitted?
Communicable diseases can be transmitted through air, water, food, direct contact and insect bites.
1.Transmission through air - This is also known as air droplet infection. Diseases like common cold, influenza, measles etc. It happens when people don't cover their nose and mouth while sneezing. Droplets released from their mouth consist of billions of microbes. These microbes cause disease when this air is inhaled by other people.
2.Through water
Some of the water borne diseases are jaundice, cholera, typhoid etc that spread through dirty or contaminated water. When an infected person defecates or takes bath near the water sources, the water gets contaminated. This dirty water causes diseases when it gets mixed drinking water.
Through food
A person may get infected if he or she shares food with an infected person.
Through direct contact
Some diseases like scabies, conjunctivitis may spread through touch. We should maintain proper distance from the infected person and should not use their things such as towel, handkerchief, comb etc.
Through insects
Vectors - The animals or insects that carry disease causing germs are known as vectors. For example - mosquito, housefly, rat etc.
Pathogens or disease causing germs stick on the body of these insects when they sit on garbage or excreta. These pathogens are transferred to the food when they sit on them and cause infection.
How to control and prevent communicable diseases?
1.By keeping the food covered.
2.By drinking boiled water.
3.By keeping ourselves clean.
4.By washing vegetables and fruits properly.
5.By washing hands properly.
6.By keeping the dustbins covered.
7.By covering the mouth with handkerchief before coughing and sneezing.
8.Don't share your towel, handkerchief and comb with anyone.
How to prevent food poisoning?
1.By keeping the food covered.
2.By cooking the food properly.
3.By washing vegetables and fruits properly.
4.By storing the food in refrigerator.
5.By avoiding stale food.
6.By not consuming food items roadside vendors.
Note : This chapter has two parts. To check the part 2 of this chapter click this link :
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