Worksheets for Science


Topic - The Human Brain Anatomy

In these Worksheets for Science you will find different questions to practice the topic named The Human Brain Anatomy

Worksheets for Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1.The brain has ____________ million neurons. 

(a) 11,000 (b) 10,000 (c) 12,000

2.The biggest part of human brain is ___________.

(a) mid-brain (b) hind-brain (c) fore-brain

3.The olfactory lobes are ___________.

(a) club-shaped (b) square-shaped (c) rectangle-shaped

4.Cerebral cortex is made up of __________ matter. 

(a) grey (b) white (c) black

5.A pair of colliculi that consists of one superior and one inferior colliculi is known as____________.

(a) corpora trigemina (b) corpora quadrigemina (c) corpora bigemina

6.Cerebral peduncles consist of two bundles of _____________.

(a) nerves (b) muscles (c) cartilages

7.Superior cerebellar peduncles join the hind brain with the _____________.

(a) spinal cord (b) fore-brain (c) hind-brain

8.The brain stem has ________parts.

(a) three (b) four (c) two

9.Pons Varolii helps in the function of ____________.

(a) respiration (b) circulation (c) digestion

10.Pons Varolii is joined with medulla oblongata and ____________.

(a) stomach (b) spinal cord (c) oesophagus

Answers - 1.10,000 2.fore-brain 4.grey 5.corpora bigemina 6.nerves 7.mid-brain 8.two 9.respiration 10.spinal cord

Fill in the blanks

1.Brain is protected inside the ____________.

2.Olfactory lobes consist of _____________ and ______________.

3.The cerebral hemispheres are joined with each other by____________.

4.The upward folds of cerebrum are called ______________.

5._____________ are the downward folds found on the cerebrum. 

6.The nuclei in the mid brain are scattered in _____________ matter. 

7.The cells found in the middle layer of cerebellum are called ____________ cells. 

8.The two parts of cerebellum are _______________ and _____________.

9.Pons Varolii is found above the _____________.

10.Medulla Oblongata is a part of the __________ which constitutes the brain. 

Answers - 1.skull 2.olfactory bulb, olfactory tract 3.corpus collasum 4.gyri 5.sulci 6.white 7.purkinje 8.cerebellar hemispheres, vermis 9.medulla oblongata  10.brain stem

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.The weight of human brain is about 1200 to 1400 grams. 

2.Olfactory lobes are visible from the front side of the brain. 

3.Upward folds found in cerebrum/cerebral cortex are called sulci. 

4.Cerebral cortex is divided into two parts. 

5.Cerebral peduncles are present on the lower surface of the brain.

6.Cerebellum is a part of the hind brain. 

7.Peduncles are found both in cerebrum and cerebellum. 

8.Medulla oblongata is not connected with pons Varolii. 

9.The cavity in the medulla oblongata is called the third ventricle. 

10.The spaces that surround the brain consist of cerebrospinal fluid. 

Hope these Worksheets for Science would be helpful for you. Please share and comment below if you want worksheets about Science on any other topic. 

Answers - 1.True 2.False 3.False 4.False 5.True 6.True 7.True 8.False 9.False 10.True

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