Minerals Types

 There are different minerals types that are required by human body. Minerals are type of elements which are present in very small amount in the human body. They don't provide any energy but keep us away from certain diseases so like vitamins they are also known as protective food.

Minerals Types

There are 91 elements that occur in nature.Out of these humans need 21 elements.These are the following minerals types needed by the human body-

(A) Major elements - These major elements constitute about 95% of the weight of mammals. They are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N). 

(B) Minor elements or macrominerals- These are needed by your body in larger quantity than microminerals or trace elements. 

1.Sodium (Na) - It is one of the main extracellular positive ion. It helps in maintaining fluid balance in the body. It also helps in the transmission of nerve impulses. Its main source is table salt. It can be also obtained from processed foods. Its deficiency may cause low blood pressure, weakness and nausea.Its excess may cause hypernatremia and shrinkage of body tissues. Its daily requirement is about 1gm.

2.Potassium (K) - It is one of the major intracellular positive ion. It helps in maintaining acid base balance in the body. It also helps in the function of nerves and muscles. Its main sources are fruits, vegetables, meat, whole grains and legumes. Its deficiency may cause abnormal heart rhythm. Its excess may cause cardiac arrest. Its daily requirement is about 1gm.

3.Chlorine (Cl) - It is one of the major extracellular negative ion. It helps in the regulation of fluid balance in the body.Its main sources are table salt,vegetables and processed food. Its deficiency may cause hypochloremia, weakness, diarrhea and renal disease. Its excess may cause hyperchloremia, vomiting, diarrhea and high blood pressure.Its daily requirement is about 1.0 gm. 

4.Phosphorus (P) - It helps in bone formation. It helps in regulating acid base balance and energy metabolism. Its main sources are bananas, nuts, meat and dairy products. Its deficiency may cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, constipation and irregular heart rythms. Its excess may cause kidney damage. Its daily requirement is about 1.2 gm. 

5.Calcium (Ca) - It is good for bones and teeth. It also helps in regulating muscle and nerve function. Its main sources are 

milk products, beans and leafy vegetables.Its deficiency may cause rickets in children and oestoporosis in adults.Its excess may cause stones in kidneys.Its daily requirement is about 1.2 gm. 

6.Magnesium (Mg) - It helps in the contraction of muscles. It is good for bones and teeth and also helps in carbohydrate metabolism. Its main sources are green leafy vegetables, seeds and dark chocolate. Its deficiency may cause oestoporosis, high blood pressure, asthma, irregular heart rythms or nervous system disorders. Its excess may cause nausea,vomiting, respiratory diseases and muscle weakness. Its daily requirement is about 0.4 gm. 

7.Sulphur (S) - It protects cell damage and gives support to joints. It is important for metabolism. It main sources are onions, eggs, poultry, beans, legumes and meat. Its deficiency may cause pain in joints, impaired metabolism and heart diseases. Its excess may cause kidney and stomach problems. It is needed in traces. 

(C)Trace elements or Microminerals - These are needed by your body in a very small amount. 

1.Iron (Fe) - It is a part of hemoglobin and helps in energy metabolism. Its main sources are green leafy vegetables, apples, brinjal, cereals and iron cookware. Its deficiency may cause anemia. Its excess may cause abdominal cramps ,diarrhea and liver damage.

2.Copper (Cu) - It is a part of cytochrome component of enzymes and helps in the absorption of iron. Its main sources are iodized salt, legumes, nuts, seeds and seafood. Its deficiency may cause anemia. 

3.Zinc (Zn) - It is an important part of at least 70 enzymes. It helps the wounds to heal faster and is important for normal senses of smell and taste. Its main sources are vegetables, poultry, cheese and sea foods. Its deficiency may decrease smell and taste, cause slow wound healing , hair loss and skin sores. Its excess may cause copper deficiency, nausea and stomach cramps. Its daily requirement is about 15 mg. 

4.Iodine (I) - It is found in the thyroid hormone and helps in growth. Its main sources are iodized salt and sea food. Its deficiency may cause cretinism in children and goitre in adults. Its excess may cause ulcers on skin and increased saliva production. Its daily requirement is about 0.14 mg. 

5.Florine (F) - It helps in the hardness of teeth. Its main sources are water, fish and tea. Its deficiency may cause tooth decay. Its excess may cause white spots on tooth enamel, abdominal pain and diarrhea. It is almost needed in traces daily. 

6.Manganese (Mg) - It is required in the production of urea. It helps in processing carbohydrates, amino acids acids and cholesterol. Its main sources are wheatgerms, nuts and vegetables. Its deficiency may cause slow growth and abnormal metabolism. Its excess may cause schizophrenia. Its daily requirement is about 0.5 mg. 

7.Selenium (Se) - It is needed in fat metabolism. Its main sources are Brazil nuts and seafoods. Its deficiency may cause muscle weakness, infertility and hair loss. Its excess may cause weakness and damage nervous system. 

8.Molybednum (Mo) - It is part of some enzymes. Its main sources are legumes, grains, green leafy vegetables and animal food. Its deficiency may cause headache and nausea. Its excess may cause impaired growth and poor bone health. It is needed in traces daily. 

9.Chromium (Cr) - It regulates blood sugar. Its main sources are nuts and whole grains. Its deficiency may cause diabetes and heart diseases. Its excess may cause dermatitis, ulcers and proliferation of nasal chambers. It is almost needed in traces daily. 


You can keep yourself healthy and away from diseases by following a healthy diet plan. But sometimes some people need some extra dosage of a certain minerals and vitamins according to the need of their body. To fulfill this need you can take some multivitamins after consulting your doctor.

Hope that this article would be quite helpful to you in understanding minerals types and their importance for human body. Please share it if you liked it and comment us if you want any article on any topic related to science. You can practice this topic by using Worksheets for Science related to this topic. 

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