Worksheets for Science

Topic- Spinal Cord in Humans - Structure and Spinal Cord Injury

In these Worksheets for Science you will find questions related to the topic named Spinal Cord in Humans-Structure and Spinal Cord Injury

Worksheets for Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1.The cervical enlargement extends from the ____________ cervical vertebra up to the 1st thoracic vertebra. 

(a) 4th (b) 3rd (c) 1st

2.The region of the spinal cord that extends in the cervical enlargement region helps in the nervous supply to the ______________.

(a) legs (b) heart (c) arms

3.The spinal nerves are called _____________.

(a) cauda equiva (b) filum terminale   

(c) conus medullaris

4._____________ helps the spinal cord to anchor in the vertebral column. 

(a) median sulcus (b) filum terminale (c) median fissures

5.The spinal cord is divided into _____________ halves. 

(a) three (b) two (c) four

6.The median sulcus median sulcus divides the spinal cord _____________.

(a) posteriorly (b)anteriorly (c) laterally

7.The spinal cord consists of ______________ matter. 

(a) grey (b) white (c) both grey and white

8.In cross section, the central canal looks like a _____________.

(a) circle (b) snake (c) butterfly

9.The white matter is divided into _____________ parts by the grey matter.

(a) three (b) two (c) five

10.Depending upon the severity of the injury, spinal cord injury is of ___________ types. 

(a) four  (b) three  (c) two

Answers - 1.4th 2.arms 3.cauda equiva 4.filum terminale 5.two 6.posteriorly 7.both grey and white  8.butterfly  9.three  10.two

Fill in the blanks

1.The length of the spinal cord is about _____________.

2.The lumbar region of the spinal cord extends between _____________ thoracic vertebra up to the _____________ thoracic vertebra. 

3.The cavity enclosed in the spinal cord is known as the _____________ . 

4.The central canal consists of _____________ fluid. 

5.The termination of the spinal cord is called _____________.

6.The conus medullaris is covered with _______________.

7.The grey matter of the spinal cord consists of anterior and posterior commissures and _______________.

8.The white matter is divided into _______________.

9.The three parts of the white matter are anterior, posterior and lateral _______________.

10.If in  paralysis, legs, trunk and pelvic organs are affected then it is known as a ____________.

Answers - 1.42-45 cm 2.9th, 12th 3.central canal 4.cerebrospinal 5.conus medullaris 6.filum terminale 7.lateral columns 8.funiculi 9.funiculus  10.paraplegia

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.The width of the spinal cord differs in different regions.

2.The spinal cord is enlarged in the lumbar region. 

3.The lumbar region of the spinal cord helps in the nervous supply to the legs. 

4.The median fissures divide the spinal cord anteriorly. 

5.The white matter surrounds the central canal of the spinal cord.

6.The grey matter surrounds the white matter in the spinal cord. 

7.Spinal reflex action is the main function of the brain. 

8.The spinal cord helps in the conduction of sensory and motor impulses to and from the brain. 

9.Sometimes in a spinal cord injury some nerves below the site of injury continue to function. 

10.Paralysis cannot occur due to a spinal cord injury. 

Answers - 1.True 2.True 3True 4.True 5.False 6.False 7.False 8.True  9.True  10.False

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