Which vitamins are soluble in water?


     Which vitamins are soluble in water?

Which vitamins are soluble in water is a frequently asked question.Vitamins  like minerals are also known as protective food as they protect our body from many diseases . So these are a very important part of our diet.It is an important topic for Biology class 12.

Which vitamins are soluble in water?

There are mainly two types of vitamins. These are-

Water soluble vitamins - These vitamins can't be stored in the body and they move out of your body with urine. 

1.Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) - It helps to break down carbohydrates and provides energy.Its deficiency causes beri-beri. It is mostly found in whole grains and green leafy vegetables. 

2.Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - It helps in the process of metabolism and production of RBC. Its deficiency causes inflammation . The main sources of vitamin B2 are whole grains and dairy products. 

3.Vitamin B3 (Niacin) - It is good for skin and nerves. Its deficiency causes pellegra. The excess of vitamin B3 may damage the liver. The main sources of vitamin B3 are whole grains and protein rich food. 

4.Vitamin B5 (Pentothenic Acid) - It helps in metabolism and the production of hormones. Its excess may cause intestinal disorders. It is mainly found in meat, avocados and broccoli. 

5.Vitamin B6(Pyridoxine) - It helps in metabolism and the production of RBC.Its deficiency causes anemia. The excess of vitamin B6 causes nervous damage. It is mainly found in protein rich diet. 

6.Vitamin B7 (Biotin) - It helps in the process of metabolism and the production of hormones. It is mainly found in egg yolk, peanuts and is also produced in the body. 

7.Vitamin B9 (Folate) - It helps in the prevention of neural tube defects in babies during pregnancy and in the production of RBC. Its deficiency results in birth defects. The excess of Vitamin Bcauses nausea and skin diseases.It is mainly found in legumes and vegetables. 

8.Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) - It controls central nervous system and helps in producing RBC. Its deficiency may cause anemia and damage of nerves. It is mainly found in dairy products, fish and meat. 

9.Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) - It helps in iron absorption and is good for gums and teeth.It also makes the immune system strong. Its deficiency causes scurvy. The excess of Vitamin C may lead to hemochromatosis and oxalate in kidneys. It is mainly found in citrus fruits, potatoes and strawberries. 

1.Fat Soluble Vitamins - These vitamins can be stored in the body and are absorbed with the help of fats. These are of four types-

1.Vitamin A (Retinol) - It is good for our eyes and makes our immune system strong. Its deficiency causes Night blindness. The excess of vitamin A may cause nausea, dizziness, headache and may lead to liver damage. The main sources of vitamin are yellow and orange vegetables and fruits. 

2.Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) - It helps in the absorption of calcium and gives strength to our bones and teeth. Its deficiency causes rickets. The excess of vitamin D leads to the formation of stones. Its main sources are sunlight, cod liver oil, dairy products and green leafy vegetables. 

3.Vitamin E (Tocopherol) - It acts as an antioxidant and protects us from free radicals. Its deficiency causes nerve damage and breakage of red blood corpuscles.The excess of vitamin E may lead to thinning of blood and hemorrhagic stroke. The main sources of vitamin E are avocados, mangoes, peanuts and green leafy vegetables. 

4.Vitamin K (Phytonadione) - It helps in the process of blood clotting. Its deficiency causes hemorrhage. The excess of vitamin K may cause rupture of RBC, anemia and jaundice in new born babies. The main sources of vitamin K are legumes, spinach, broccoli, blueberries and chicken. 


You should include all these vitamins along with other nutrients in your diet following a healthy diet plan. If even after taking a healthy diet you become deficient in some vitamin or any other nutrient then you can include these supplements in your diet after consulting your doctor. 

So this above given information include the list of all the vitamins which vitamins are soluble in water? for notes of biology class 12.Hope this article would have helped you to find the answers to all your questions. If you liked this article please share it and if you want any information on any other topic related to science or have any question please comment below. 

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