Worksheets for Science

 Topic - Liver Function

In these Worksheets for Science you will find Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the Blanks, True or False type questions that will help you to gain more marks by practising the topic named Liver Function perfectly. 

Worksheets of Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1.______________ is the largest gland in human body. 

(a) liver (b) pancreas (c) stomach

2.Fibrinogen and prothrombin prevent the excess loss of ____________.

(a) fluids (b) water (c) blood

3.______________ prevents the clotting of blood inside the blood vessels. 

(a) fibrinogen (b) heparin (c) prothrombin

4.Liver helps in the process of __________.

(a) movement (b) breathing (c) digestion

5.The bile produced by liver is stored in the _____________.

(a) gall bladder (b) stomach (c) pancreas 

 6.Bile salts act as an _______________ medium for the action of enzymes. 

(a) acidic (b) alkaline (c) neutral

7.Haemopoiesis is the production of ______________ corpuscles. 

(a) blood (b) blood corpuscles (c) antibodies

8.In deamination, the broken amino acids are used to produce ____________.

(a) NH3 (b) NH2 (c) proteins

9.In lipogenesis, the unwanted glucose and amino acids are converted into ______________.

(a) ammonia (b) proteins (c) fats

10.Glycogen is converted into glucose by _____________.

(a) glycogenolysis (b) glycogenesis (c) glyconeogenesis

Answers - 1.Liver 2.blood 3.heparin 4.digestion 5.gall bladder 6.alkaline 7.blood corpuscles 8.NH3 9.fats 10.glycogenolysis

Fill in the blanks

1.______________ protein helps in the process of osmoregulation. 

2.Liver produces two bile pigments called _____________ and____________.

3.Liver converts ammonia into _______________.

4.Liver helps in blood clotting by producing hormones called ______________ and ______________.

5.______________ helps in the digestion and absorption of fats. 

6.Kupferr cells of liver eat the dead and decayed cells by the process of _______________.

7.Blood corpuscles are produced in the embryo by the ____________.

8.The destruction of blood corpuscles is known as ______________.

9.In deamination, the waste ____________ are converted into NH2 and keto group. 

10.______________ is converted into glycogen by liver. 

Answers - 1.angiotensinogen 2.bilirubin, biliverdin 3.urea 4.fibrinogen, prothrombin 5.bile salts 6.phagocytosis 7.liver 8.haemolysis 9.amino acids 10.Sugar

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.Liver doesn't play any role in the process of excretion. 

2.Bile pigments are produced from haemoglobin of red blood corpuscles. 

3.Liver helps in the function of storage. 

4.Liver helps in the production of vitamin E. 

5.Liver produces bile. 

6.Liver destroys the worn out blood corpuscles. 

7.Stomach changes the hemoglobin of worn out cells into bile pigments. 

8.Fats are produced by liver in glycogenesis. 

9.Liver performs the function of glycogenolysis. 

10.Liver helps in the process of detoxification. 

Answers - 1.False 2.True 3.True 4.False 5.True 6.True 7.False 8.False 9.True 10.True

Hope these Worksheets for Science would be helpful to you. Please comment if you want any topic related to science. 

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