Worksheets for Science

 Topic - Larynx Anatomy

In these Worksheets of Science you will find different questions to practice the topic named Larynx Anatomy

Worksheets for Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1.Larynx has ___________ walls. 

(a) thin (b) thick (c) no

2.The size of vocal cords in males is ___________ than that of females. 

(a) smaller (b) larger (c) similar

3.___________ cartilages support the wall of larynx. 

(a) four (b) two (c) three

4.The anterior and lateral sides of the upper part of the larynx is supported by _____________ cartilage.

(a) arytenoid (b) cricoid (c) thyroid

5._____________ cartilage is ring shaped. 

(a) thyroid (b) cricoid (c) cartilage of santorini

6.Cricoid cartilage encircles the ____________ part of the larynx. 

(a) lower (b) upper (c) middle

7.Arytenoid cartilages support the ____________ wall of the upper part of the larynx. 

(a) posterior (b) anterior (c) lateral

8.Vocal cords extend from the inner wall of the ______________ thyroid. 

(a) inner (b) outer (c) lateral

9.False vocal cords are the ____________ pair of vocal cords. 

(a) lower (b) middle (c) upper

10.The contraction of laryngeal muscles _______________ the gap between vocal cords. 

(a) widens (b) don't change (c) narrows

Answers - 1.thin 2.larger 3.four 4.thyroid 5.cricoid 6.lower 7.posterior 8. inner 9.upper 10.narrows

Fill in the blanks

1.Larynx is also known as the ____________.

2.____________ are present inside the larynx. 

3.The thyroid cartilage is ____________ in size. 

4.The ____________ cartilage is incomplete from the posterior side. 

5.______________ cartilage is present below the thyroid cartilage. 

6.Cricoid cartilage is narrow from the _______________ side. 

7._______________ cartilages are triangular in shape. 

8._______________ is present on the upper end of each arytenoid cartilage. 

9._____________ vocal cords are the lower pair of vocal cords. 

10._____________ is found between the two pairs of vocal cords. 

Answers - 1.voice box 2.vocal cords 3.large 4.thyroid 5.cricoid 6.anterior 7.Arytenoid 8.Cartilage of Santorini 9.True 10.Glottis

 Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.Vocal cords are not responsible the pitch of the voice. 

2.Larynx are very big in size. 

3.Larynx extends from the root of the tongue to the trachea. 

4.Thyroid cartilage is C-shaped. 

5.Cricoid cartilage is broad from the posterior side. 

6.Arytenoid cartilages are present in a pair. 

7.Cartilage of Santorini is found on the lower side of each arytenoid cartilage. 

8.Vocal cords occur as folds of mucous membrane. 

9.Epiglottis closes the glottis during the swallowing of food. 

10.Sound is produced when the laryngeal muscles relax. 

Answers - 1.False 2.False 3.True 4.True 5.True 6.True 7.False 8.True 9.True 10.False

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