Respiration in a Plant

Respiration in a Plant is one of the important biological processes that is essential for life.    Plant Life includes certain physiological and biological processes that take place in the body of plants such as photosynthesis, respiration etc. These help the plants in their growth and development and to prepare their food. 

Respiration in a Plant

What is Nutrition? 

All living beings need food for their growth and to carry out various body functions. The process by which living organisms obtain food is known as nutrition.Different types of organisms have different modes of nutrition. Living organisms obtain their food from plants and animals.Green plants prepare their own food. 

What is autotrophic nutrition? 

In this type of nutrition organisms make their own food from inorganic substances that they obtain from the environment. The word 'autotrophic' consists of two words i.e 'auto' means self and 'troph' means to nourish. So green plants are known as producers or autotrophs as they produce food for themselves as well as for other organisms. 

Photosynthesis (Click to check the process of photosynthesis) 

How does photosynthesis take place in desert plants? 

In desert plants, leaves are reduced to spines to prevent the loss of water through the process of transpiration.Photosynthesis is carried out by the green stem of these plants such as cacti. 

How does photosynthesis take plants with red, violet or brown leaves? 

In these type of plants the amount of red, violet and brown pigment is high as compared to the green pigment. The green pigment is masked by these pigments. Photosynthesis takes place in the green part of the leaves of these plants. Some plants have variegated leaves that consist of white and green colour in the same leaves. Photosynthesis takes place in the green part of these leaves. It doesn't occur in the white portion of these leaves such as money plant, coleus, croton etc. 

What is respiration? 

All living organisms need energy in order to carry out various processes such as growth, movement, excretion, reproduction etc. Sunlight is the ultimate source of energy. It is converted into the chemical energy of food during the process of photosynthesis. Human beings and other organisms get this energy from the food prepared by the green plants. The energy is released during the breakdown of these food materials due to the oxidation reactions. This process takes place in all the animals and plants. It takes place within all the living cells and require energy. 

Respiration is the breakdown of food with the release of energy. It is also known as cellular respiration. The energy which is released is stored in the form of ATP or adinosine triphosphate. 

What are the types of respiration? 

Respiration is of two types. These are -

1. Aerobic Respiration - In this type of respiration, the breakdown of food (glucose) occurs in the presence of oxygen. Glucose gets oxidized completely to form water, carbon dioxide and a huge amount of energy. 32 molecules of ATP are produced during the oxidation of one glucose molecule. 

C6H12O+ 6O2   ➡ 6CO+ 6H2O + 32ATP

Glucose           Oxygen           Carbon           Water          Energy


Organisms that respire aerobically are known as aerobes such as human beings, animals, green plants etc. 

2. Anaerobic Respiration - In this type of respiration, the breakdown of food (glucose) occurs in the absence of oxygen. Due to the absence of oxygen glucose is not oxidized completely. It breaks down to give carbon dioxide, alcohol and less amount of energy. 2 molecules of ATP are produced during the oxidation of one glucose molecule. 

How does respiration take place in plants? 

Plants respire day and night by taking inside carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. Germinating seeds, tips of roots and stem and other growing parts such as vegetative and floral buds respire more actively than other adult organs in plants. 

      Hope this article Plant Life would be quite helpful for you. Please share it and comment if you want articles for any other topic. 

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