Worksheets for Science

Topic - Animal Tissues

      In these Worksheets for Science you will find different questions related to the topic Animal Tissues that will help you to practice the topic more efficiently. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - Animal Tissues) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1. There are _____________ types of animal tissues.

(a) four (b) three (c) two

2.The inner lining of blood vessels, stomach, intestines consist of __________ tissue. 

(a) epithelial (b) connective (c) muscular

3. The shape of cells in squamous epithelium is ________________.

(a) circular (b) square (c) polygonal

4.________________ tissue helps in absorbing nutrients and water from the digested food. 

(a) connective (b) epithelial (c) none

5. ________________ muscles consist of light and dark coloured bands. 

(a) Voluntary (b) Involuntary (c) both a and b

6. ________________ tissue is the most abundant tissue found in the human body. 

(a) epithelial (b) muscular (c) connective

7. Adipocytes store _______________.

(a) vitamins (b) proteins (c) fats

8. Tendons join ______________ to bones. 

(a) bones (b) nerves (c) muscles

9. Ligaments consist of _______________ elastin fibres.

(a) yellow (b) white (c) both a and b

10. Blood consists of RBC and these. 

(a) WBC (b) platelets (c) both a and b

Answers - 1.four 2.epithelial 3.polygonal 4.epithelial 5.voluntary 6.connective 7.fats 8.muscles 9.yellow 10.both a and b

Fill ups

1. A group of cells that perform same function is known as ________________.

2.Epithelial, ______________, nervous and ________________ are the four types of animal tissues. 

3. ______________ epithelium protects the inner part of the body from injury. 

4. The cells of _______________ epithelium look like pillars. 

5. ________________ epithelium is found in the liver, kidney tubules and pancreas. 

6. Voluntary muscles are attached with the _______________.

7. Light and dark coloured bands in voluntary muscles are due to the presence of _____________ and __________ proteins. 

8. Involuntary muscles found in the heart are known as ______________ muscles. 

9. Specialized cytoplasm found in the cardiac muscles is known as ___________.

10. Nerve cells present in the nervous tissue are known as ________________.

Answers - 1.tissue 2.muscular, connective 3.squamous 4.columnar 5.cuboidal 6.skeleton 7.actin, myosin  8.cardiac 9.sacroplasm 10.neurons

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1. The cells of epithelial tissue are packed loosely. 

2. Epithelial tissue consists of thin and protective sheet of cells. 

3. Epithelial cells have lots of space in between them. 

4. Squamous epithelium prevents the entry of germs inside the internal organs. 

5. The cells of cuboidal epithelium are square in shape. 

6. Nucleus is absent in the cuboidal epithelium. 

7. Useful secretions are secreted by the epithelial lining of endocrine and digestive glands. 

8. Epithelial tissue in kidneys and sweat glands help in the removal of waste products. 

9. Voluntary muscles are not under our control. 

10. Each muscle fibre in involuntary muscles consists of many nuclei. 

Answers - 1.False 2.True 3.False 4.True 5.True 6.False 7.True 8.True 9.False 10.False

Hope these Worksheets for Science for the topic Animal Tissues would be helpful for you. Please share it and comment if you want Worksheets of Science on any other topic. 

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