Worksheets for Science


Topic - The Flower

In these Worksheets for Science you will find different type of questions related to the topic The Flower for ICSC biology class 6.It will help you to practice the content thoroughly to prepare yourself for tests. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - The Flower) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.Tulip plant consists of _____________ pedicel. 

(a) one (b) two (c) three

2.______________ protects the inner delicate parts of the flower. 

(a) pedicel (b) thalamus (c) gametes

3.Calyx is ______________ in colour. 

(a) yellow (b) green (c) orange

4.This part of the flower attract insects as it is colourful. 

(a) corolla (b) sepal (c) pistil

5.Androcium consist of _______________.

(a) anther (b) filament (c) both a and b

6.Gynoecium is the ______________ whorl of the flower. 

(a) outermost (b) middle (c) innermost

7._____________ is the female reproductive part of the flower. 

(a) gynoecium (b) style (b) ovule

8.Pollen grains land on the _______________.

(a) style (b) ovary (c) stigma

9.________________ flowers consist of all the four whorls. 

(a) complete (b) incomplete (c) none

10 These are examples of incomplete flowers. ________________

(a) papaya (b) mulberry (c) both a and b

Answers - 2.thalamus 4.corolla 5.both a and b 6.innermost 7.gynoecium 8.stigma 9.complete 10.both a and b

Fill ups

1.The stalk of the flower is called ______________.

2 The flowers that don't have pedicel are called _____________ flowers. 

3.Flowers attract insects for _______________.

4.The small, swollen part present at the base of the flower is known as _______________.

5.Calyx is also known as ____________.

6.Bud is protected inside the ______________.

7.______________ protects the reproductive part of the flower. 

8.The male reproductive part of the flower is known as the ________________ or ________________.

9.Pollen grains are present inside the _______________.

10.Gynoecium is also known as the _______________ or ____________.

Answers - 1.pedicel 2.sessile 3.pollination 4.thalamus 5.sepal 6.calyx 7.corolla 8.androcium, stamen 9.anther 10.pistil,carpel

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.A flower consists of many parts. 

2.Lilac consists of branched pedicel. 

3.Saffron is a type of sessile flower. 

4.Calyx can't perform photosynthesis. 

5.Ovules are present inside the style. 

6.The shape of ovules is round. 

7.Style connects the stigma and the ovary. 

8.Eggs are produced by the female part of the plant. 

9.Unisexual flowers consist of both male and female reproductive parts. 

10.Hibiscus is a unisexual flower. 

Answers - 1.True 2.True 3.True 4.False 5.False 6.True 7.True 8.True 9.False 10.False

Hope these Worksheets for Science related to the topic The Flower for ISCS biology class 6 would be helpful to you. Please share it and comment if you want Worksheets of Science on any other topic. 

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