Worksheets for Science

 Topic - ICSC Class 6|Chemistry|Water

In these Worksheets for Science you will find questions related to the topic ICSC Class 6|Chemistry|Water

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - ICSC|Class 6|Chemistry|Water) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.The percentage of water in human body is _____________.

(a) 10%  (b) 100%  (c) 70%

2.Oceans cover a _____________ surface of the earth. 

(a) large  (b) small  (c) limited

3.Sea water is generally ______________.

(a) sweet  (b) salty  (c) bitter

4.Water exists in ____________ states of matter. 

(a) two  (b) three  (c) one

5.The three states of water have same ______________ properties. 

(a) physical  (b) chemical  (c) both a and b

6.The heat of the sun causes ____________ . 

(a) condensation  (b) precipitation  (c) evaporation

7.The water vapours cool down to form ______________.

(a) ice  (b) snow  (c) water

8.Using water at homes comes under ______________ water use category. 

(a) domestic  (b) industrial  (c) commercial

9.In chlorination, _______________ is added to water. 

(a) chlorine  (b) nitrogen  (c) both a and b

10.The process of adding ozone to disinfect the water is called ____________.

(a) oxygen  (b) ozone   (c) both a and b

Answers  1.70%  2.large  3.salty  4.three  5.physical  6.evaporation  7.water  8.domestic  9.chlorine  10.ozone

Fill ups

1._______________ of the earth's surface is covered with water. 

2.The river water is used generally for _____________ and ____________ purposes. 

3.The purest form of water is ___________.

4.The gaseous form of water is steam or _____________.

5.The three states of water differ in their _______________ properties. 

6.Clouds are formed from _______________.

7.The changing of gas into liquid on cooling is called _____________.

8.Water from the clouds comes down in the form of rain, snow, ___________ and ____________.

9.The falling down of water from the clouds in any form is called _______________.

10._____________ water refers to the water that is used for drinking. 

Answers  1.three-fourths  2.industrial, domestic  3.rain water  4.water vapours  5.chemical  6.water  7.condensation  8.hail, sleet  9.precipitation   10.portable

Write True if the statements is correct and false if it is incorrect. 

1.The percentage of water may differ in males and females. 

2.All the water available on the earth's surface is suitable to use. 

3.We can use sea water for drinking directly. 

4.River water has lots of impurities.

5.The three states of matter are interconvertible. 

6.The clouds burst when they become heavy. 

7.Water cycle is not repeated again and again.

8.Paper and chemical industries use small quantity of water. 

9.Cholera and dysentery are water borne diseases. 

10.Sedimentation is a process of water purification. 

Answers  1.True  2.False  3.False  4.True  5.True  6.True  7.False  8.False  9.True  10.True

Hope these Worksheets for Science would be helpful to you in practicing the topic ICSC Class 6|Chemistry|Water

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