Worksheets for Science

 Topic - Parts and Functions of Nervous System

In these Worksheets for Science you will find questions related to the topic Parts and Functions of Nervous System. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - Parts and Functions of Nervous System) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.The human nervous system is divided into ______________ main parts. 

(a) two  (b) three  (c) four

2.The central nervous system lies along the ____________ line of the body. 

(a) middle  (b) bottom  (c) upper

3.The nerves of the peripheral nervous system arise from the _______________.

(a) central nervous system  (b) brain  (c) spinal cord

4.Cranial nerves arise from the _____________.

(a) spinal cord  (b) neck  (c) brain

5.Olfactory nerve is a _____________ nerve. 

(a) motor  (b) sensory  (c) mixed

6.______________ nerve carries smell impulses from the nasal epithelium. 

7._____________ is the largest cranial nerve. 

(a) optic  (b) trigeminal  (c) olfactory

8.Trigeminal nerve is divided into ____________ branches. 

(a) three  (b) two  (c) five

9.Facial nerve innervates the taste buds and the muscles of ____________ and ____________.

(a) face  (b) neck  (c) both a and b

10.Hypoglossal nerve controls the movements of the ____________.

(a) tongue  (b) eye  (c) head

Answers 1.three  2.middle  3.central nervous system  4.brain  5.sensory  6.olfactory  7.trigeminal  8.three  9.both a and b  10.tongue

Fill in the blanks

1.The main parts of the nervous system are central, ______________ and autonomous nervous system. 

2.The central nervous system consists of the brain and the _________________.

3.The peripheral nervous system consists mainly of ____________.

4.The peripheral nervous system consists of ______________ and spinal nerves. 

5.Abducens nerve arise from the mid-ventral side of the ____________.

6.Abducens nerve innervates the ______________ muscles of the eye ball. 

7.Auditory nerve originates from the __________ side of the ear. 

8.Saliva secretion is controlled by _____________ nerve. 

9.The movements of larynx, pharynx, neck and shoulders are controlled by _____________ nerve. 

10.The spinal nerves are made up of _______________.

Answers  1.peripheral  2.spinal cord  3.nerves  4.cranial  5.medulla oblongata  6.external rectus  7.internal  8.glosso-pharyngeal nerve  9.accessory spinal nerve  10.medullated nerve fibres

Write True if the statement is correct and false if it is incorrect. 

1.The peripheral nervous system consists mainly of three types of nerves. 

2.Spinal nerves originate from the vertebral column. 

3.Humans have 10 pairs of cranial nerves. 

4.Optic nerve arises from the retina of the eye. 

5.Oculomotor nerve innervates three eye muscles. 

6.Auditory nerve has two branches. 

7.Vagus nerve regulates the visceral movements and sensations. 

8.All the spinal nerves are mixed. 

9.Autonomous nervous system is divided into  two parts. 

10.Post ganglionic fibres in parasympathetic nervous system are generally adrenergic. 

Answers  1.False  2.False  3.False  4.True  5.False  6.True  7.True  8.True  9.True 10.False

Hope these Worksheets for Science would be quite helpful to you in practicing the topic ______.Please comment if you want Worksheets about Science for any topic. 

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