Infection in Kidneys

Infection in Kidneys is nowadays a very common problem. We should take proper care of our health and should follow a healthy diet plan and avoid fried and junk foods in order to keep our kidneys away from diseases.It is also an important topic for notes of biology class 12.

Infection in Kidneys

Where kidneys are located? 

              Kidneys are bean-shaped organs usually dark red in colour. Their length is about 10 cm and width is about 5 cm. Their weight ranges between 125-170 gm. They are found below the diaphragm on each side of the spine on the back wall of the abdominal cavity. 

           Infection in Kidneys and Kidney infection symptoms

         You should take proper care of your health by taking a balanced diet and exercise regularly. If you would not adopt a healthy diet plan your kidneys would have to work more and they would exhaust which would result in kidneys problems and may lead to serious kidneys disease which ultimately causes kidneys failure . Some of the kidneys disease are-

1.Kidneys stones

         Kidneys stones is a very common disease which is caused due to the precipitation of uric acid. They are normally crystals of salt and minerals. They differ greatly in size as they can be as small as gravel and can be as large as big stones. These kidneys stones cause blockage of the nephrons and can also pass down to the ureters and bladder. 

Symptoms - (a) Blood in urine. 

(b) Frequent urination. 

(c) Pain during urination. 

2.Kidney cysts 

         These are generally pouches found on the surface of kidneys and are filled with fluid.The proper reason for the formation of cysts is not clear but according to one theory when the upper surface layer of the kidneys become weak, they form a pouch which gets filled with water and forms a cyst. The symptoms of kidney cysts are-

(a) Pain in the upper part of the stomach

(b) Back or side pain

(c) Fever


         Sometimes due to bacterial infection the excretion of urea doesn't take place properly which results in an increased amount of urea in the blood. This causes uremia. The increased amount of urea leads to toxicity of the cells. 

4.Kidneys failure/Kidneys fail/Renal failure

               It is a condition when the kidneys stop to function.It is also known as Renal failure.Kidneys failure is of two types-

(a) Acute Renal Failure -In this condition, the failure of the kidneys to perform their job occurs at such an extent that the nitrogenous wastes such as urea, uric acid and creatinine start depositing in the body. Due to the fall in G. F. R (Glomerular filtration rate), the urine volume becomes less than 500 ml/day.G.F.R is the kidneys filtration rate which shows how efficiently the kidneys are filtrating. 

Causes of Acute Renal Failure

Causes of acute renal failure are classified as follows-

*Pre-renal causes - These are the causes that don't occur in the kidneys but effect them indirectly. It happens when there is acute loss of blood and fluids from the body during haemorrhage, diarrhoea, burns, cholera. This lowers down the blood pressure and causes low filtration pressure and results in fall in 

G. F. R . There is a decrease in renal blood flow and the urine becomes concentrated. 

*Renal causes - It happens due to certain kidney diseases due to bacterial infection as in acute nephritis, the kidneys are damaged due to toxic substances such as mercury and lead. It results in decreasing the filtration pressure and blocks the nephrons. 

* Post-renal causes - In this condition,due to the blockage of the ureter and the gall bladder there occurs retention of urine with back pressure which damages the tissues of the kidneys. 

(b) Chronic Renal Failure - Kidneys can be recovered from acute renal failure but not from chronic renal failure. Instead in this condition the nephron mass is destroyed progressively. In this condition, there occurs a fall in G. F. R which causes the retention of waste materials leading to uremia. Volume of urine discharged decreases. Patient may feel tired and may have muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting and swelling in arms, legs or feet. 

              Acute renal failure is treated with the help of kidneys dialysis in which the waste products which are accumulated in the body are removed. Advanced chronic renal failure is treated by kidneys transplantation

These were some of the infection in kidneys and kidney infection symptoms an important topic for biology class 12. Hope this article would be quite helpful to you. You can also practice Worksheets for Science for the same topic. Please share it and comment if you want article on any other topic. 

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