The Human Skull Bones

   The Human Skull bones are 29 in number which are separated by sutures. It lies above the vertebral column. The skull consists of the densest and hardest bones found in the human body.

The Human Skull Bones
The Human Skull Bones

Human Skull Diagram 

The Human Skull Diagram
The Human Skull Diagram

It has two parts -

1. Cranium - It has a round shape and is hollow from inside. The cavity present in the cranium is known as cranial cavity. It protects The brain inside it. So it is also called the brain box. There are 8 flattened bones in the cranium. These are -

Single bones                 Paired bones

Frontal                           Temporal

Occipital                         Parietal



The joints that join the bones of the skull are immovable and are called sutures. For example - Coronal suture demarcates parietals from frontal, lambdoidal suture demarcates parietals from the occipital and lateral sutures demarcate parietals from the temporals. Foramen magnum is a large opening present at the posterior end of the skull . Through this opening the brain joins with the spinal cord. A pair of protuberances are found at the anterolateral aspects of the foramen magnum called occipital condyles. Human skull is known as dicondylic as it has two occipital condyles. Occipital condyles help in the movement of the head as it forms a hinge joint by articulating movably with the atlas vertebra. The lower jaw is connected with the cranium with the help of muscles while the upper jaw is found fused with the cranium. Three ear ossicles are found in the middle ear cavity of the temporal bone. These are -

(a) the malleus

(b) the incus

(c) the stapes

These bones help in the process of hearing and are movable. 

2.Face - Face constitutes the lower and the front part of the skull. These are -

Single bones                        Paired bones

Mandible                                Maxillae

Vomer                                     Zygomatic




                                           Inferior Nasal Conchae

Except the palatines, vomer, lacrymals and inferior nasal conchae, all the other bones are visible from the outer surface. The  largest and strongest bone of the skull is mandible or lower jaw. It forms a craniostylic jaw suspension by joining to the squamosal bone of the upper jaw. Mandible or lower helps in the process of mastication and speech. 

3.Hyoid Bone - It is also known as the tongue bone and and is found at the base of the tongue. It is not considered as the bone of the skull but is generally mentioned with this part of the skeleton. It doesn't join with the other part of the skeleton. Some of the tongue and throat muscles join at the hyoid bone. 

Functions of the Skull - The skull helps in -

1.protecting the brain. 

2.forming skeletal framework for the head. 

3.protecting sense organs such as eyes, ears and nose in its sense capsules named optic, auditory and olfactory. 

4.supporting and protecting the jaws. 

5.providing support to the upper part of the respiratory and digestive tracts. 

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