Worksheets for Science

 Topic - Functions of a Nervous System

In these Worksheets for Science you will find questions related to the topic Functions of a Nervous System that will help you practice the topic more efficiently.

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - Functions of Nervous System) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.Nervous system controls the _____________ and ____________ activities of the body. 

(a) Voluntary  (b) Involuntary  (c) both a and b

2.The human nervous system consists of ______________ parts. 

(a) three  (b) two  (c) four

3.Brain is a part of the ____________ nervous system. 

(a) central  (b) peripheral  (c) autonomous

4.Brain receives information from the sense receptors of the body through the _______________.

(a) vertebral column  (b) spinal cord  (c) lungs

5.The peripheral nervous system consists of _______________.

(a) bones  (b) muscles  (c) nerves

6.Spinal nerves arise from the ______________.

(a) brain  (b) spinal cord  (c) arms

7.The parasympathetic nervous system makes the lens of the eye thicker for ___________ vision. 

(a) near  (b) far  (c) blurred

8.The sympathetic nervous system _____________ the secretion of the lacrimal gland. 

(a) inhibits  (b) stops  (c) stimulates

9.The ______________ nervous system inhibits the secretion of bronchial glands. 

(a) sympathetic  (b) parasympathetic  (c) central

10.The sympathetic nervous system ____________ the heart beat and blood pressure. 

(a) decreases  (b) lowers  (c) increases

Answers - 1.both a and b  2.three  3.central  4.spinal cord  5.nerves  6.spinal cord  7.near 8.stimulates  9.sympathetic  10.increases

Fill in the blanks

1.The main parts of the nervous system are central , __________ and __________ nervous system . 

2.Spinal Cord is a part of the _____________ nervous system. 

3.The _____________ nervous system connects the central nervous system with the sense organs and body muscles. 

4.Autonomous nervous system is also known as the _______________ nervous system. 

5.The autonomous nervous system consists of _______________ ,parasympathetic and enteric nervous system. 

6.The sympathetic nervous system ____________ the pupil of the eye. 

7.The parasympathetic nervous system _____________ the coronary arteries. 

8.The parasympathetic nervous system __________ the heart beat. 

9.The parasympathetic nervous system ______________ the period of blood clotting.

10.The ____________ nervous system promotes glycogenolysis. 

Answers 1.peripheral, autonomous  2.central  3.peripheral  4.visceral  5.sympathetic  6.dilates

7.constricts  8.decreases  9.increases  10.parasympathetic

Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect. 

1.The brain controls the behaviour and physiological functions. 

2.The brain can work independently without the help of spinal cord. 

3.The peripheral nervous system has three types of nerves. 

4.Cranial nerves arise from the spinal cord. 

5.The nerves of the peripheral nervous system mostly control the voluntary activities to and from the central nervous system. 

6.The autonomous nervous system controls the activities of the viscera. 

7.The parasympathetic nervous system works opposite to the sympathetic nervous system. 

8.The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the secretion of the salivary glands. 

9.The parasympathetic nervous system contracts the hair muscles of the skin. 

10.The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the secretion of sweat glands. 

Answers 1.True  2.False  3.False  4.False  5.True  6.True  7.True  8.False  9.False  10.True

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