Worksheets for Science

  Topic - Which vitamins are soluble in water ? 

  In these Worksheets of Science you will find Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the Blanks, True or False type questions that will help you to gain more marks by practising the topic perfectly. 

Worksheets for science

Multiple Choice Questions

1.Water soluble vitamins are of ___________


(a) five  (b) seven  (c) six

2.The deficiency of Vitamin B1 causes ____________.

(a) rickets  (b) beri-beri  (c) blindness

3.Riboflavin is soluble in ____________. 

(a) water  (b) fat  (c) none

4.The excess of Vitamin B3 can cause damage to the ___________.

(a) stomach  (b) brain  (c) liver

5.Vitamin B5 is also known as _____________.

(a) pentothenic acid  (b) ascorbic acid  (b) niacin

6.The excess of Vitamin B5 causes ___________ disorders. 

(a) nervous  (b) muscular  (c) intestinal

7.Cyanocobalamin helps to control the central ___________.

(a) nervous system  (b) circulatory system  (c) skeletal system

8.Vitamin C helps in ______________ absorption. 

(a) calcium  (b) fats  (c) iron

9.The deficiency of Vitamin A causes ____________ . 

(a) measles  (b) night blindness  (c) heart attack

10.Sunlight helps in producing vitamin ____________ in the body. 

(a) D  (b) C  (c) E

Answers - 1. seven  2.beri-beri  3.water  4.liver  5.pentothenic acid  6.intestinal  7.nervous system  8.iron

Fill in the blanks 

1.Vitamin B1 is also known as ______________.

2.Vitamin B2 helps in the production of ____________.

3.____________ is caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin B3. 

4.The excess of pyridoxine causes _____________ damage. 

5.Vitamin B6 is also known as _____________.

6.______________ helps to prevent neural tube defects in babies during pregnancy.

7.Vitamin A is also known as ____________.

8.Vitamin D is also known as ____________.

9.The deficiency of vitamin D causes ____________.

10.Vitamin K helps in ___________.

Answers - 1.thiamine  2.RBC  3.pellegra  4.nervous  5.pyridoxine  6.Folate  7.retinol  8.cholecalciferol  9.rickets  10.blood clotting

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.Fat soluble vitamins are of three types. 

2.Vitamin B1 helps to break down carbohydrates. 

3.The excess of Riboflavin causes inflammation. 

4.Niacin is good for nerves and skin. 

5.Biotin can be produced in the human body. 

6.Vitamin B6 is also known as cyanocobalamin. 

7.Vitamin A is good for eyes. 

8.Vitamin E is also known as tocopherol. 

9.Hemorrhage is caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin D. 

10.Vitamin K is present in spinach, broccoli and chicken. 

Answers - 1.False  2.True  3.False  4.True  5.True  6.False  7.True  8.True  9.False  10.True

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