Worksheets for Science

 Topic - What is blood pressure lower number? 

In these Worksheets for Science you will find questions to practice the topic What is blood pressure lower number? 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - What is blood pressure lower number?) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.The pressure exerted by blood on the walls of arteries is known as ____________.
(a) blood pressure  (b) pulse  (c) heart rate
2.Blood pressure constitutes _______________.
(a) systolic pressure  (b) diastolic pressure  (c) both a and b
3.______________ pressure is exerted when the heart pumps the blood. 
4.Blood is forced to the ____________ during systolic pressure. 
(a) vena cava  (b) systematic aorta  (c) veins
5.There occurs the contraction of ____________ during systolic pressure. 
(a) right ventricle  (b) left ventricle  (c) superior vana cava
6.______________ pressure is exerted in arteries when the heart relaxes. 
(a) Diastolic  (b) Systolic  (b)No
7.During diastolic pressure ____________ are fed by blood. 
(a) organs  (b) veins  (c) coronary arteries
8.Normal diastolic pressure is generally ______________.
(a) 80 mm Hg  (b) 85 mm Hg  (c) 75 mm Hg
9.Ischemia is caused due to _______________.
(a) low systolic pressure  (b) high systolic pressure  (c) low diastolic pressure
10.Daily salt intake should not exceed ____________ per day. 
(a) 1500 mg  (b) 1000 mg  (c) 500 mg

Answers - 1.blood pressure  2.both a and b  3.systolic  4.systematic aorta  5.left ventricle   6.Diastolic  7.coronary arteries  8.80 mm Hg  9.low diastolic pressure  10.1500

Fill ups

1.Blood pressure regulates the circulation of _____________ in the body. 

2.Diastolic pressure stands for the ____________ number. 

3.Normal systolic pressure is generally ____________.

4.KPa stands for ____________.

5.Diastolic pressure takes place during __________.

6.The blood vessels become _______________ in old age. 

7.Alcohol consumption ______________ the blood vessels. 

8.Deficiency of vitamin _______________ is related to low diastolic pressure. 

9.Dehydration lowers both _________________ and ________________.

10.Diastolic pressure below _________________  may cause problems. 

Answers - 1.blood  2.lower   3.120 mm Hg  4.kilopascals  5.joint diastole  6.stiffer  7.dilates  8.B12  9.systolic , diastolic  10.60 mm Hg

Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect. 

1.Both blood pressure lower number and higher number are important. 

2.Blood pressure consists of three numbers. 

3.Systolic pressure stands for the lower number. 

4.120 mm Hg is equal to 16 KPa. 

5.80 mm Hg is equal to 11.0 KPa. 

6.Ischemia cannot cause heart failure. 

7.The stiffer blood vessels causes low diastolic pressure. 

8.Standing dor a very long time may also cause the pooling of blood in your legs. 

9.Symptoms of low diastolic pressure include dizziness and weakness. 

10 . Low diastolic pressure can't be controlled by exercise. 
Answers - 1.True  2.False  3.False   4.True  5.True  6.False  7.True  8.True  9.True  10.False

Hope these Worksheets for Science would have helped you in practicing the topic What is the blood pressure lower number.Please comment if you want Worksheets of Science on any topic. 

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