The Plant Tissue


The Plant Tissue plays important functions such as growth,protection,support,transport of water and food etc. According to the Plant tissue type ,they differ in structure and functions  .The functional and structural unit of life is known as the cell. A tissue consists of cells that have similar structure and function. This is one of the important chapters among class 7 biology chapters ICSC

Plant tissue types

Plant tissue is of two types -

1.Meristematic tissue

2.Permanent tissue

1.Meristematic tissue - These tissues consist of young cells that divide actively. They help the plant to grow. The cells found in these tissues divide constantly and form new cells. These cells divide continuously until the time they get differentiated and they lose their ability to be divided. Meristematic tissue is found in all those parts of the plant that grow in length and thickness. For example - shoot tip, root tip etc. 

What are the functions of meristematic tissue? 

Meristematic tissue help in the growth of the plant. It help in increasing the length and the thickness of the plant by forming new cells at the tip of root and shoot. 

What are the characteristics of meristematic tissue? 

*These cells are small. 

*These cells possess a thin cell wall. 

*Nucleus is large in size. 

*Vacuole is absent. 

*These cells divide constantly and form new cells. 

What are the types of meristematic tissue? 

These are mainly of two types -

(a)Apical meristematic tissue - These are found in the buds and the tips of root and shoot. They help in the growth of root and shoot. 

(b)Lateral meristematic tissue - These tissues are present on the lateral sides of the root and stem. These tissues increase the thickness or diameter of the plant. It is further of two types - 

*Vascular cambium - Some plants increase their thickness by producing new tissues laterally from the tip of the root to the tip of the shoot with the help of vascular cambium. 

*Cork cambium - It is present in the bark of roots and stems of the woody plants. 

2.Permanent tissue - These tissues consist of non-dividing cells so they don't possess the ability to divide.They are found on fixed positions in the plants. Permanent tissues are derived from meristematic tissues. They perform certain functions. 

What are the types of permanent tissue? 

     Permanent tissue is further of two types -

(a) Simple permanent tissue - These tissues are made up of cells similar in structure and function and provide protection and support to the plants. 

(b) Complex permanent tissue - These tissues consist of more than one type of cells. They help to transport water (xylem) and food (phloem) to different parts of the plant. 

Note -This chapter has two parts. The link for 2nd part of this chapter is

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