Worksheets for Science

 Topic - Digestive System in humans

In these Worksheets for Science you will find questions related to the topic Digestive System in humans that will help you to practice the topic and score good marks. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - Digestive System in humans) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1._______________ give us energy. 
(a) carbohydrates (b) fats (c) both a and b
2._______________are known as growth food. 
(a) proteins (b) vitamins (c) minerals
3.Vitamins are of ____________ types. 
(a) two (b) three (c) five
4.This mineral helps in the formation of haemoglobin. ________________
(a) calcium (b) phosphorus (c) iron
5.Minerals are also known as ________________food.
(a) growth (b) balancing (c) energy giving
6.The process by which the absorbed food is utilized by the cells of the body is known as ___________.
(a) absorption (b) assimilation (c) egestion
7.There are _____________ teeth in the temporary set of teeth. 
(a) 22 (b) 30 (c) 20
8._______________ teeth are absent in the deciduous or milk teeth. 
(a) pre-molars (b) molars (c) canines
9.The hardest substance in our body is ________________.
(a) dentine (b) enamel (c) none
10.The digestion of proteins start in the ________________.
(a) stomach (b) mouth (c) small intestine

Answers - 1.both a and b 2.proteins 3.two 4.iron 5.balancing 6.assimilation 7.20 8.pre-molars 9.enamel 10.stomach

Fill ups

1.___________________ are the chemical substances that provide nourishment to the body. 

2.Vitamins A, D, E and K are known as _______________ vitamins. 

3.Vitamin C and vitamin B-complex are known as ____________ vitamins. 

4.________________ helps in preventing constipation. 

5.The process of the intake of food is known as ______________.

6.The process by which food is broken down into simpler form is known as ____________.

7.The process of removal of the undigested part of the food from the body is known as ______________.

8.Mouth is also known as the ________________.

9.Starch is converted into sugar inside the mouth by ______________.

10.Temporary teeth are also known as the deciduous or _____________ teeth. 

Answers - 1.nutrients 2.fat soluble 3.water soluble 4.Roughage 5.ingestion 6.digestion 7.egestion 8.buccal cavity 9.saliva 10.milk

Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect. 

1.Fats give us more energy than carbohydrates. 

2.Water soluble vitamins can be stored in the body. 

3.Vitamin C is a fat soluble vitamin. 

4.Vitamins and minerals are needed in large quantities. 

5.All the reactions occurring inside the body takes place in water. 

6.Permanent set of teeth has 30 teeth. 

7.There are eight incisors. 

8.The largest part of the alimentary canal is small intestine. 

9.Faeces are stored in the rectum. 

10.The digestion of food continues in the large intestine. 

Answers - 1.True 2.False 3.False 4.False 5.True 6.False 7.True 8.True 9.True 10.False

Hope these Worksheets for Science for the topic Digestive System in Humans would be helpful to you. Please share it and comment if you want Worksheets of Science on any other topic. 

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