Worksheets for Science


Topic - Fertilization in Plants

In these Worksheets for Science you will find questions related to the topic Fertilization in Plants that will help you to practice the topic thoroughly. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - Fertilization in Plants) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.Ovule consists of ______________ gamete. 

(a) male (b) female (c) both a and b

2.Ovary develops into _______________ after fertilization. 

(a) fruit (b) seed (c) none

3.Mesocarp is the ________________ layer of the pericarp. 

(a) outer (b) inner (c) middle

4.Germination is of ______________ types. 

(a) three (b) one (c) two

5.The part of the seedling that is found between the radicle and cotyledons is known as _______________.

(a) hypocotyl (b) epicotyl (c) pericarp

6.In ________________ germination, the cotyledons are pushed above the ground. 

(a) hypogeal (b) epigeal (c) both a and b

7.In epigeal germination, the _______________ function as first leaves. 

(a) radicle (b) plumule (c) cotyledons

8.The colour of cotyledons become ______________ in epigeal germination. 

(a) yellow (b) red (c) green

9.These plants show hypogeal germination. 

(a) mango (b) pea (c) both a and b

10.The cotyledons remain ______________ the ground in hypogeal germination. 

(a) above (b) below (c) on

Answers - 1.female 2.fruit 3.middle 4.two 5.hypocotyl 6.epigeal 7.cotyledons 9.both a and b 10.below

Fill ups

1.The process of fusion of male and female gametes is known as _____________.

2.Male gamete is present in the _____________.

3.______________ is formed after the fusion of male and female gametes. 

4.Fruits consist of ______________ and _______________.

5.The process of development of a plant from a seed after the period of dormancy is known as ______________.

6.The two types of germination are ______________ and hypogeal germination. 

7._____________ is the part of the stem which is present above the cotyledon.

8.Hypocotyl elongates in _______________type of germination. 

9._______________ functions as first leaves in hypogeal germination. 

10.Epicotyl is elongated in ________________ germination. 

Answers - 1.fertilization 2.pollen tube 3.zygote 4.pericarp, seeds 5.germination 6.epigeal 7.epicotyl 8.epigeal 9.plumule 10.hypogeal 

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.Ovule develops into seed. 

2.In fleshy fruits such as mango, the pericarp consists of one layer. 

3.In dry fruits, pericarp doesn't consist of three layers. 

4.Fruits help in the dispersal of seeds. 

5.Fruits don't protect the seeds. 

6.Plants like sunflower, cotton etc show hypogeal germination. 

7.The radicle grows into root. 

8.In epigeal germination, cotyledons don't perform any photosynthesis. 

9.Hypogeal germination takes place in plants like maize, wheat,gram etc. 

10.The growing seed gets its food from the cotyledons. 

Answers - 1.True 2.False 3.True 4.True 5.False 6.False 7.True 8.False 9.True 10.True

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