Worksheets for Science

Topic - Digestion of food

In these Worksheets for Science you will find different questions related to the topic Digestion of food which will help you to practice the topic more efficiently. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - Digestion of food) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.Associate digestive glands help in the process of _______________.

(a) digestion (b) circulation (c) breathing

2.There are _____________ types of salivary glands. 

(a) two (b) four (c) three

3.Saliva consists of an enzyme called _____________.

(a) amylase (b) lipase (c) sucrase

4.The colour of urine is _______________.

(a) red (b) yellowish-green (c) black

5.Enzyme lipase helps to digest _______________.

(a) proteins (b) fats (c) carbohydrates

6.In the small intestine food is mixed with these juices. ________________.

(a) bile (b) pancreatic (c) both a and b

7.Lactose is converted into glucose and ________________.

(a) sucrose (b) maltose (c) galactose

8._______________ stores faeces. 

(a) Rectum (b) liver (c) pancreas

9.Faeces are passed out of the body through ______________.

(a) rectum (b) anus (c) large intestine

10.Indigestion refers to the discomfort in the upper part of the _______________.

(a) abdomen (b) heart (c) liver


Answers - 1.digestion 2.three 3.amylase 4.yellowish-green 5.fats 6.both a and b 7.galactose 8.rectum 9.anus 10.abdomen

Fill ups

1.Salivary glands secrete _______________.

2._______________ is the largest gland in our body. 

3.Bile is secreted by _____________.

4.Liver stores sugar in the form of _________________.

5.The muscular contractions in oesophagus that push the food down are known as ______________.

6.Enzyme pepsin converts proteins to _______________ and ____________.

7.Enzyme _____________ converts casein into paracasein. 

8.Food is changed into a thick paste called _______________ in the stomach. 

9.Water is absorbed food in large intestine to form _____________.

10.Sucrose is converted into glucose and ________________.

Answers - 1.saliva 2.liver 3.liver 4.glycogen 5.peristalsis 6.proteoses, peptones 7.renin 8.chyme 9.faeces 10.fructose

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.Salivary glands are six in number. 

2.Saliva helps in killing germs. 

3.The enzyme amylase converts proteins into amino acids. 

4.Liver is present on the left side of the body. 

5.Liver helps in maintaining the blood sugar level. 

6.Digestion continues in pharynx and oesophagus

7.Renin is more active in adults than that of infants. 

8.Food passes to the blood stream from small intestine. 

9.Digestion doesn't take place in the large intestine. 

10.Spicy and oily food may cause indigestion. 

Answers - 1.True 2.True 3.False 4.False 5.False 6.False 7.False 8.True 9.True 10.True

Hope you these Worksheets for Science for the topic Digestion of food for ICSC biology class 6 would be quite helpful for you. Please share it and comment if you want Worksheets of Science on any other topic. 

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