Types of Diseases

 To check the part 1 of this chapter click this link : Importance of Health and Hygiene


The diseases that don't spread from one person to another are known as non-communicable diseases. These include deficiency diseases , diseases caused due to malfunctioning of certain organs , allergies or bites. They are not caused by germs or pathogens.  

Types of Diseases

What are nutritional deficiency diseases? 

People who don't eat a balanced diet are said to be undernourished. People who lack one or two nutrients in their diet suffer from malnutrition. 

What is protein energy malnutrition? 

It is caused due to the deficiency of protein, carbohydrates, fats or all of these nutrients in the diet. It is found mostly in children between 1-5 years of age. It may cause two types of diseases i.e kwashiorkor and marasmus. 

1.Kwashiorkor - It is caused due to the lack of proteins in the diet during infancy.Its symptoms are -

*dry skin

*mental retardation and stunted growth. 

*protruding belly

*bulging eyes

*hair become reddish in colour

*thin legs

*loss of appetite

*frequent diarrhea

*ribs are not prominent

Children should be given a protein rich diet to cure this disease. 

2.Marasmus - This disease is caused due to the deficiency of proteins as well as fats and carbohydrates in the diet. It is found in infants below 1 year of age. Its symptoms are - 

*ribs become prominent

*mental retardation


*dry and wrinkled skin

Children should be given proteins, fats and carbohydrates rich diet to cure this disease. 

To check the topic vitamins and minerals and deficiency diseases caused due to lack of these nutrients click on these links :



What are organ malfunctioning diseases? 

1.Diabetes Mellitus - When the amount of insulin released is not sufficient, it leads to a disease known as diabetes mellitus. 

What is the role of insulin in the body? 

Insulin is secreted by pancreas. It helps in regulating the blood glucose level as it helps the liver to change the excess glucose into glycogen that is stored to use later by the body. Due to inadequate release of insulin sugar is not converted into glycogen so it remains in the blood causing diabetes mellitus. 

2.Heart diseases - Heart problems are caused due to sedentary lifestyle and eating unhealthy food such as fried or oily foods, saturated fats etc. 

Coronary heart disease - In this condition,the heart muscles don't get enough oxygen as the blood supply reduces and plaque starts depositing in the arteries.It causes chest pain. 

Heart attack - It happens when the artery that supplies blood gets blocked completely and the heart muscles don't get oxygen. 

3.Renal diseases - These diseases are caused due to improper functioning of the kidneys that causes kidneys infection .Kidneys filter waste products such as urea, uric acids, salt and water from the blood. When the kidneys don't function these wastes don't get filtered and remain in the blood only. They can be removed only by kidneys dialysis and kidneys transplantation

4.Arthritis - This disease is related to the joints. It mostly occurs in old age. 

Rheumatoid arthritis - The middle joints present in the fingers may get twisted in this disease. There may be pain, swelling or stiffness in the joints. 

Osteoarthritis - This disease may be hereditary or may occur due to old age or injury. It occurs due to the breakdown or eventual degeneration of cartilage in the joints. This causes pain and stiffness in the joints of spine, knee and hips.

5.Cancer - It occurs due to uncontrolled growth of cells in a part of the body that also invades the normal cells and tissues.A growing mass of cancerous cells is known as a malignant tumor. 

The basic cause of this disease is not known but some of the reasons are -

*nuclear radiation

*chewing tobacco


*exposure to UV rays of the sun


What is allergy? 

It may be defined as an unusual hypersensitivity found in the body tissues towards certain foreign substances. 

Allergy causing substances are known as allergens. For example - perfumes, pollens, certain food items, drugs,dust, cosmetics, scent of petrol etc. 

Allergy may be caused by inhaling these allergens or when they come in direct contact with the skin. Some of the symptoms of allergy are itchy rashes, running nose, sneezing, swelling, breathlessness, red eyes etc. Some of the diseases caused by allergy are eczema, asthma, hives etc. 

Bites and Stings

Bites and stings caused by certain insects or animals such as spider, snake, dog etc may be harmful. So they should be treated immediately. 

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