Worksheets for Science

Topic - Breathing

In these Worksheets for Science you will find different questions related to the topic Breathing  to practice the topic more efficiently. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - Breathing) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.Human beings exhale ________ of the oxygen that is inhaled. 

(a) 26%  (b) 20%  (c) 17%

2.The air that passes from the alveoli to the blood capillaries is rich in ____________.

(a) oxygen  (b) carbon dioxide  (c) both a and b

3.During inhalation, the ribs move outwards and _____________.

(a) upwards  (b) downwards  (c) inwards

4. The muscles connected to __________________ during exhalation. 

(a) rib cage (b) diaphragm (c) both a and b

5.The volume of chest cavity is _________________ during exhalation. 

(a) decreased  (b) increased  (c) not affected

6.Asthma can be caused by _______________ air. 

(a) chilly  (b) hot  (c) none

7.In pneumonia, the ________________ get filled with pus. 

(a) pharynx  (b) air sacs  (c) larynx

8.Antibiotics are used to treat pneumonia caused by ______________.

(a) virus  (b) bacteria  (c) fungi

9 .Bronchial tubes get inflammed or swelled up in disease called _______________.

(a) pneumonia  (b) asthma  (c) bronchitis

10._________________ can be prevented by BCG vaccine. 

(a) tuberculosis  (b) bronchitis  (c) asthma

Answers  - 1.17%  2.oxygen  3.upwards  4.both a and b  5.increased  6.chilly  7.air sacs  8.bacteria  9.bronchitis  10.tuberculosis

Fill ups

1.Oxygen combines with haemoglobin to form _______________.

2.________________ passes from the blood capillaries to the lungs. 

3.The process of taking inside oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide is known as ______________.

4.The muscles connected to the rib cage ______________ during inhalation. 

5.The volume of chest cavity ____________ during inhalation. 

6.The process of giving out carbon dioxide is known as _______________.

7.Diaphragm muscles ________________ during exhalation. 

8.Airways get _________________ in asthma. 

9.In asthma, _________________ starts to accumulate in the airways. 

10.Tuberculosis is caused by _________________.

Answers - 1.oxyhaemoglobin  2.carbon dioxide  3.breathing  4.contracts  5.increases  6.exhalation  7.upwards  8.inflammed  9.mucus  10.mycobacterium tuberculosis

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.Human beings exhale 15% of carbon dioxide. 

2.Air from the nose goes to the pharynx. 

3.The diaphragm moves downwards during inhalation. 

4.Air moves from low pressure to high pressure.

5.Ribs move inwards and downwards during exhalation. 

6.Air pollution can cause asthma. 

7.Pneumonia is caused only by bacteria. 

8.Air sacs get infected and inflammed in pneumonia. 

9.Brochitis is caused by bacteria. 

10.The full form of TB is Tuberculosis

Answers - 1.False  2.True  3.True  4.False  5.True  6.True  7.False  8.True  9.False  10.True

Hope these Worksheets for Science for the topic Breathing would be helpful for you. Please share it and comment if you want Worksheets of Science for any other topic. 

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