Worksheets for Science

Topic -Pulse and Blood Pressure

In these Worksheets for Science you will find different questions related to the topic Pulse and Blood Pressure. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - Pulse and Blood Pressure) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.The left ventricle contracts to release _______________ blood. 

(a) deoxygenated (b) impure (c) oxygenated

2.The decrease in pressure _____________

the stretching of arteries. 

(a) decreases (b) increases (c) starts

3.The relaxation of the ________________ ventricle decreases the stretching of arteries. 

(a) left (b) right (c) both a and b

4.The stretching and relaxation of the _________________ produce pulse. 

(a) veins (b) capillaries (c) arteries

5.During the systolic blood pressure blood is pushed into these vessels. 

(a) aorta (b) pulmonary artery (c) both a and b

6.The systolic pressure in an adult person is about _______________ mm Hg.

(a) 110 (b) 120 (c) 80

7.We should avoid these. 

(a) junk food (b) oily food (c) both a and b

8.If the colour of urine is dark then you should drink ______________ water. 

(a) less (b) more (c) very little

9.The amount of water in the body is ________________ if the colour of urine is clear. 

(a) proper (b) less (c) very little

10.These are injurious to health. 

(a) smoking  (b) second hand smoking  (c) both a and b

Answers - 1.oxygenated 2.decreases 3.left 4.arteries 5.both a and b 6.120 7.both a and b 8.more 9.proper 10.both a and b

Fill ups

1.Blood is released in the _______________ due to the relaxation of the left ventricle.

2.Difference between systolic and diastolic pressure is known as _______________.

3.The pressure of blood inside the arteries is known as _________________.

4.The pressure produced due to the contraction of left ventricle is known as the _________________ pressure. 

5.The diastolic pressure in an adult person is about ________________ mmHg. 

6.During _______________ pressure, the ventricles get filled with blood. 

7.Blood pressure is measured with the help of a ___________________.

8.Regular exercise helps in maintaining _________________ pressure. 

9.The colour of urine should be _____________.

10.The use of lifts and esclarators _____________ the risk of heart diseases. 

Answers - 1.arteries 2.pulse 3.blood pressure 4.systolic 5.80 6.diastolic 7.sphygmomanometer 8.blood 9.clear  10.increases

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.The wall of the arteries stretch due to the relaxation of the left ventricle. 

2.Pulse is felt with each heart beat. 

3.Auricles fill the blood in the ventricles during diastolic pressure. 

4.Proper exercise keeps the heart healthy. 

5.Brisk walking is not good for health. 

6.We should eat a healthy diet. 

7.Large amount of salt is good for health.

8.Drinking 1-2 glasses of water are enough. 

9.The body weight should be in balance with the age and height. 

10.You should keep your cholesterol in control. 


Answers - 1.False 2.True 3.True 4.True 5.False 6.True 7.False 8.False 9.True  10.True

       Hope these Worksheets for Science for the topic Pulse and Blood Pressure  would be helpful for you. Please share it and comment if you want Worksheets of Science  on any other topic. 

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