Worksheets for Science


Topic - Human Skeleton Model/The Skeletal System of Humans

       In these Worksheets for Science you will find different questions related to the topic Human Skeleton Model that will help you to practice this topic more efficiently. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic Human Skeleton Model) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.There are mainly __________ types of skeleton. 

(a) two (b) four (c) six

2.There are ____________ bones in human body. 

(a) 200 (b) 201 (c) 206

3.The bones of the skull are joined to each other by ____________ joints. 

(a) immovable (b) movable (c) both a and b

4.The brain is enclosed in the ____________.

(a) sternum (b) cranium (c) rib cage

5.The length of vertebral column is ____________ cm. 

(a) 60   (b)70  (c) 65

6.True ribs are attached to the _____________.

(a) sternum (b) false ribs (c) floating ribs. 

7.____________girdle is also known as shoulder girdle. 

(a) pelvic girdle (b) pectoral girdle (c) none

8.Pelvic girdle is present in the ____________ region of the trunk. 

(a) lower (b) upper (c) middle

9.Pelvic girdle is formed of a bone called___________.

(a) femur (b) ulna (c) innominate

10.Ischium is a part of ____________.

(a) skull (b) innominate (c) sternum

Answers - 1.two  2.206  3.immovable  4.cranium

5.70  6.sternum  7.pectoral  8.lower  9.innominate  10.innominate

Fill in the blanks

1.______________ is the study about the skeleton or the skeletal system. 

2. The endoskeleton consists of _____________ and ___________.

3.The hardest bones of the body are found in the ____________.

4.Two single bones found in the face are ______________ and ____________.

5.Hyoid bone is also called the ____________.

6.The body of the vertebrae is called ____________.

7.______________ processes help in the joining of vertebrae. 

8.Girdles join the axial skeleton with the ____________.

9.Clavicle is found between the ____________ and the ____________.

10.Pelvic girdle is also called the ____________.

Answers - 1.osteology 2.bones, cartilages 3.skull 4.mandible,vomer 5.tongue bone 6.centrum 7.articular 8.limbs 9.neck, shoulder 10.hip girdle

 Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.The skeleton provides shape and support to the body.

2.The exoskeleton is found inside the body. 

3 . The skull has 20 bones. 

4.The face consists of 14 bones. 

5.vertebrae region

6.Spinous and transverse processes join the muscles and the ligaments.

7.Manubrium is a part of the sternum. 

8.Scapula is a part of the pelvic girdle. 

9.Scapula is star-shaped. 

10.Femur is present in the thigh. 

Answers - 1.True 2.False 3.False 4.True 5. 6.True 7.True 8.False 9.False 10.True

         Hope these Worksheets for Science would be helpful for you. Please share it and comment if you want Worksheets of Science on any other topic. 

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