Worksheets for Science

Topic - What are the types of plant tissues? 

     In these Worksheets for Science you will find questions related to the topic What are the types of plant tissues? to practice the topic more efficiently. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science (Topic - What are the types of plant tissues? ) 

Multiple Choice Questions

1.These tissues consist of non-dividing cells. _________________

(a) simple permanent (b) complex permanent (c) both a and b

2.Parenchyma cells have _______________ walls and are ________________.

(a) thin, living (b) thick, living (c) thin, non-living

3.________________ helps in the process of photosynthesis

(a) sclerenchyma (b) chlorenchyma (c) collenchyma

4.The cells of collenchyma are _________________ in shape. 

(a) round (b) elongated (c) oval

5.The husk of coconut is made from ________________ tissue. 

(a) sclerenchyma (b) chlorenchyma (c) none

6._________________ is a water conducting tissue in plants. 

(a) phloem (b) xylem (c) none

7.Xylem consists of _________________ type of cells. 

(a) four (b) three (c) two

8.The only living component of xylem is xylem _______________.

(a) fibres (b) tracheids (c) parenchyma

9.Parenchyma cells associate with sieve cells to form _______________.

(a) phloem fibres (b) phloem parenchyma (c) both a and b

10.Xylem and ______________ form the vascular bundle of the plant. 

(a) phloem (b) sieve cells (c) phloem fibres

Answers - 1.both a and b 2.thin, living 3.chlorenchyma 4.elongated 5.sclerenchyma 6.xylem 7.four 8.parenchyma 9.companion cells 10.phloem

Fill ups

1.Permanent tissues are derived from _______________ tissues. 

2.Protective tissue consists of ______________ and ______________.

3.Cork consists of _______________ cells and ______________ walls. 

4.Supporting tissue consists of _______________ , collenchyma and _______________.

5.Parenchyma cells with chloroplast are known as _______________.

6._________________ cells provide elasticity to different parts of the plant. 

7.Sclerenchyma consists of ____________ and _______________.

8.________________ makes the cell wall of sclerenchyma cells rigid. 

9.Complex permanent tissue is also known as _________________ or conductive tissue. 

10._______________ is the food conducting tissue of the plant. 

Answers - 1.meristematic 2.epidermis, cork 3.dead, thick 4.parenchyma, sclerenchyma 5.chlorenchyma 6.collenchyma 7.fibres, sclereids 8.lignin 9.vascular 10.phloem

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1. Permanent tissue consist of cells that can divide themselves. 

2.Permanent tissues are found at fixed position in the plant body. 

3.Cutin covers the outer layer of epidermis. 

4.Parenchyma cells may be round, oval or polygonal. 

5.Parenchyma cells are packed very tightly. 

6.Collenchyma cells are non-living. 

7.Sclerenchyma cells consist of protoplasm. 

8.Complex permanent tissues consist of more than one type of cells. 

9.Xylem vessels are long and tube like. 

10.Xylem tracheids don't transfer water and minerals. 

Answers - 1.False 2.True 3.True 4.True 5.False 6.False 7.False 8.True 9.True 10.False

     Hope these Worksheets for Science for the topic What are the types of plant tissues? would be helpful for you. Please share it and comment if you want Worksheets of Science on any other topic. 

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